Postpartum Doula Support
Helping Families Welcome Their New Addition
The Postpartum Doulas of Bloomington Family Wellness are here to come to your home to help you and your family during this time of transition, adding a new baby (or multiple) to your family! Our trained doulas have been taught to understand the individualized needs of expanding families and how to assist the. "A doula provides families with culturally appropriate emotional support to assist with the transitions of the postpartum period and having a new baby. The support a postpartum doula provides can have a lasting and important impact. Postpartum support provides families with increased confidence in their roles." (ICEA July 2017). Bloomington Family Wellness prides ourselves on providing non-judgemental and up-to-date infant and postpartum care.

Support Postpartum Doulas Provide
Our doulas specialize in caring for the family unit as a whole during this transition time. They are there to provide emotional and practical support after the birth/addition of a new baby. Some of that practical support may include light housework, food prep, care for older children while must needed rest is gotten, infant feeding assistance (bottle feeding, formula, pumping, breastfeeding/ chest-feeding, or a combination), sleep assistance, overnight support, infant care, and more evidenced based information on whatever is needed. Most of all the doulas provide non-judgemental support around different parenting styles that is focused on infant safe sleep and milestone appropriate infant care.